The Boy Who

"The Boy Who" 

He was a boy not very fond of
What his elders always said.
About studying sincerely and then
Quickly going to bed.

His parents scolded him
For he never washed his hands.
And even if he did,
He would dry them on his pant.
Once he went to a party,
And his favourite food he ate.
He ate it with his bare hands
Directly from his plate!!
Suddenly he got a stomach ache
And gave a shrill cry,
"Who made the cheese pasta?
Who made the pumpkin pie?!"
The chef came running towards him
To see what was the matter.
"I did sir,",he said,
"But alright was the batter.."

The boy ran back home
And told everyone he saw,
"I know what is the mistake,
I know what is the flaw!"
"I will wash my hands from now
And do whatever you say.
For what you tell me everytime
Is correct anyway."
He said this to his parents
Who hugged their sweet son,
For he was a boy nice and good
Who had learnt a big lesson.
                                            ✎Shravani Kelapure

Today's talk:Yesterday, Mumbai was hit(not totally) by the hurricane/typhoon/tornado 'Nisarga'.
Not much damage occured though.Tornado changed direction at the last moment,and it was a close save. Even we in Nagpur experienced heavy rains and storm and winds yesterday.
Just drank a tasty mango-shake made by Aai(mother). My younger sister-brother Sharanya-Gaurang have their birthday on 6th June,day after tomorrow.A big party is planned(with minimum people of course).
CORONA. Increasing badly, confirmed cases are like 2lakh+ !!
And..recovered is half of it, i.e. 1lakh+. I came to know that the rate of recovery is faster than the speed at which cases are increasing. Maharashtra is still at the top for the maximum cases of corona among all the states.
People are telling us to boycott everything,from software to hardware that is Chinese.Of course Indians will do that. Why to finance a country who gave a big threat to the world.
Anyway, Little Narayani is playing the harmonium.
I'm writing the blog. That's it. All Good---:-)


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