She is...

      She is….”(A Tribute to Women)
She is a sister, she is a mother,
She is a wife , a friend like no other.

She is the princess of her favourite fairytale,
She constantly works hard, never to fail.

She is a Goddess ,a sacred feminine,
Her presence anywhere for sure is divine.

The Goddess of knowledge, the Goddess of money,
She protects us, she creates harmony.
If she comes ,joy comes too.
She can do things that none can do.

Represented by many, like a graceful cow,
Who is still worshipped, tradition persists somehow.

The role she plays is special and unique.
She speaks of wisdom, let her speak.

Today she lives with vigor and pride.
She rises high like a new-born tide.

She is a wonderful thing for she can do wonders.
Nothing in front of her are those storms and thunders.

For ‘she’ is a WOMAN , the symbol of beauty,
Sincere and responsible in doing every duty….

                                      ✎ Shravani Kelapure.


  1. a poetry (couplet) which has two lines in each stanza.
    rhyme scheme is AA

    1. Dear Shravni, its a treat reading your poems. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts in such a fantastic way which shows genius in you and prove how women can do anything out of the box in which she takes an interest. Love you so much. Keep writing ๐Ÿ˜˜

  2. to see more, plz click on the arrow on the top left of the page. when you get all posts, scroll down to click on 'more posts' for more.

  3. Beautiful poem. Such effortless flow!! Well-rhyming, perfect rhythm, each word making perfect sense. Great!! Wish you a Happy Women's Day too.

  4. เคต्เคตा !!!

  5. Very touching and filled with emotions. Flow of thoughts and selection of words make it all the more beautiful. God bless you beta.

  6. Thank you to everyone !!Your appreciation is my inspiration..Thank you.


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