Silent Teachers


Notice the things around you and me,
Watch the Ants walk in lines.
Carrying food,WORKING HARD,
Making hay while the sun shines.

Notice the things around you and me,
Its SILENCE that a Flower preaches.
Silence speaks a lot, oh you,
Every heart and soul it reaches.
Notice the things around you and me,
Watch a Kite flying around.
It needs EFFORT to touch the sky,oh you,
But nothing to come back down.

Notice the things around you and me,
Watch a Tree standing in the heat.
We learn to be SELFLESS and KIND,oh you,
It gives us shade and fruits to eat.

Notice the things around you and me,
Watch a Little Bird come by.
It does not come to talk,oh you,
But to build a nest more HIGH.

Notice the things around you and me,
Watch how the Rainbow looks.
It teaches JOINT EFFORT*,oh you,
Something much more than books.
                                                             *or Collaboration

                                            ....Shravani Kelapure.

Today's talk: This comes under one of my #LockdownPOEMS. The RED colored words are the teachers, the PURPLE words are the Qualities they teach.
 Ramayan is already finished . Yesterday we made potato chips and now they're fully done.They're really goood I'd say.
COVID19 confirmed cases are 70,000+ !!
But focusing on the +ve side I'd say, the number of recovered is also increasing. It is about 21,000+ currently.
Number of deceased is less and I pray for the number to stop increasing.
I study regularly, gave a few tests online. Our online classes from school will begin sometime soon, I hope...
All Good.....(My my, it suddenly started raining!!!!!)


  1. to see more, plz click on the arrow on the top left of the page. when you get all posts, scroll down to click on 'more posts' for more.

  2. What a beautiful poem... Shravni your words flow free like a river... oh you... you are genius... love you... keep writing and make us happy by reading your expressions through magical words you arrange beautifully...


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