
Showing posts from May, 2020

Silent Teachers

''SILENT TEACHERS'' Notice the things around you and me, Watch the Ants walk in lines. Carrying food, WORKING HARD , Making hay while the sun shines. Notice the things around you and me, Its SILENCE that a Flower preaches. Silence speaks a lot, oh you, Every heart and soul it reaches. Notice the things around you and me, Watch a Kite flying around. It needs EFFORT to touch the sky,oh you, But nothing to come back down. Notice the things around you and me, Watch a Tree standing in the heat. We learn to be SELFLESS and KIND ,oh you, It gives us shade and fruits to eat. Notice the things around you and me, Watch a Little Bird come by. It does not come to talk,oh you, But to build a nest more HIGH . Notice the things around you and me, Watch how the Rainbow looks. It teaches JOINT EFFORT *,oh you, Something much more than books.                                                              *or Collaboration